Faculty Highlights – October 2019

Butler Snow Lecturer and Professor of Law Mercer Bullard has his article “Crowdfunding’s Culture of Noncompliance: An Empirical Analysis” accepted for publication in the Lewis & Clark Law Review. The St. Louis Dispatch also wrote a piece about the article.

MacArthur Justice Center, led by Cliff Johnson, has been in news recently regarding mental health care for people who are incarcerated. Johnson was also quoted in an article by The Washington Post in the article “Sentenced to 2 days but held for 54: How one man’s jail suicide underscores Mississippi’s mental health care crisis.” The MacArthur Justice Center filed a lawsuit on behalf of Wayne Johnson’s family.

The MacArthur Justice Center and other clinics are assisting detained migrants. Director Cliff Johnson was quoted in a U.S. News article.

The Clarion Ledger interviewed Cliff Johnson about pretrial incarceration.