Each year, we inform incoming students that they are responsible for reading the Law School Catalog and to understand and abide by our rules and regulations.
Additionally, on many issues, the university’s M Book policies may apply. There are a few areas, however, that cause recurring problems. Before students even register for classes, students should read the Honor Code and review the policies below:
- Academic Success and Bar Preparation Policy (pdf)
- Add/Drop Classes Policy (pdf)
- Admissions and Scholarship Policy (pdf)
- Anonymous Grading Policy (pdf)
- Attendance Policy (pdf)
- Bias Incident Report Form (link)
- Course Auditing Policy (pdf)
- Classes Taken Outside the Law School (pdf)
- Credit Hour Policy (pdf)
- Dean’s List Honors (pdf)
- Distance Education Course Policy (pdf)
- Dropping a Course (pdf)
- Emergency Preparedness (pdf)
- Employment During Law School (pdf)
- Family Rights and Privacy Act
- Free Inquiry, Expression, and Assembly
- Grading Policies (pdf)
- Grade Appeal Policy (pdf)
- Graduation Requirements for Transfer Students (pdf)
- Individual Study (pdf)
- Interpersonal Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Law School Sign Policy (pdf)
- Law School Room Reservation Policy (pdf)
- Leave of Absence Policy (pdf)
- Limited Enrollment Courses (pdf)
- Maximum Course Load (pdf)
- Minimum Course Load (pdf)
- Naming Policy
- Non-Discrimination Policy (pdf)
- Non-Law Students Enrollment in Law Courses (pdf)
- Probation and Dismissal, Petition for Re-Entry and Application for Re-Admission (pdf)
- Progress Toward Graduation (pdf)
- Religious Observance Policy (pdf)
- Request for Rescheduling of Exams Policy (pdf)
- Satisfactory Academic Progress for Law Students (pdf)
- Student Complaints Implicating the Law School’s Compliance with ABA Accreditation Standards (pdf)
- Total Number of Allowable Credit Hours for Law Graduation (pdf)
- Transfer Applications (pdf)
- Transient Course Work/Visiting at Another Law School (pdf)
- Upper Division Writing Requirement (pdf)
- UM Law Code Governing Student Academic and Nonacademic Conduct (pdf)
- Visiting Students from Other Law Schools (pdf)
- Waitlist Policy (pdf)
- Withdrawal from School (pdf)
- Z-Grade Option Policy (pdf)
Additional information regarding Ole Miss policies and procedures is available at the University of Mississippi’s Current Students page.
- Intent to Graduate Application
- LAW 615/760-Individual Study I Application (pdf)
- LAW 715/762-Individual Study II Application (pdf)
- LAW 760 Research Assistant Application (pdf)
- LAW 762 Research Assistant Application (pdf)
- Intent to Pursue Business Law Concentration
- Statement of Completion of Business Law Concentration
- Intent to Pursue Criminal Law Concentration (pdf)
- Statement of Completion of Criminal Law Concentration (pdf)
- Intent to Pursue Remote Sensing, Air & Space Law Concentration (pdf)
- Statement of Completion of Remote Sensing, Air & Space Law Concentration (pdf)
- Intent to Pursue Sports and Entertainment Law Concentration
- Statement of Completion of Sports and Entertainment Law Concentration
- Request for Non-Law Course
- Disclosure Submissions
- Class Rank Requests
- Residency Information