OXFORD, Miss. – Each year, University of Mississippi students who utilize Student Disability Services recognize faculty and staff members who go above and beyond in their support of students with a disability.
One staff member and one faculty member on the UM campus is honored each year with the University’s Access Award. This year’s staff recipient is UM School of Law Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Macey Edmondson.
“We are thrilled to present Dr. Edmondson with this award as a way to thank her for her support of students with disabilities,” said Stacey Reycraft, SDS director.
A student called Edmondson a “beacon of compassion” in the law school in a nomination letter.
“Her incredible ability to really listen to students and provide empathetic support and solutions is refreshing, especially in an atmosphere of such competitive academia,” the student said. “Ms. Edmondson, through her compassionate attitude and actions has made students feel that they are not alone in their struggle and that help is available to them.”
Edmondson said she works closely with students in need to find the balance between accommodating students and ensuring they gain a full law school experience.
“These students are so used to asking for assistance, saying ‘I don’t mean to bother you’ or ‘I know this sounds weird,’ but I assure them that that their request is never weird or a burden,” Edmondson said. “We do what we need to do to make law school work for them.”
She added that understanding and staying aware of what they may be going through is the start of providing necessary accommodations for students with disabilities.
“I always want to meet them where they are to see how we can make it work,” she said. “Hopefully we can continue to provide service that is above and beyond what is expected.”