The University of Mississippi School of Law will host a summer writing retreat for its faculty, and other affiliated colleagues, from July 21 – July 23. The retreat will provide faculty the opportunity to allot specific time to achieving writing goals or to work on special projects.
“The purpose of our faculty writing retreat is to really foster productivity and intellectual engagement,” says Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Faculty Development, Michèle Alexandre. “We’ve found that it fosters intellectual enrichment and high productivity, but also has the added benefit of making a richer form of collegiality among us.” Previous retreats have produced dissertations, book manuscripts, law review articles, etc. The writing retreats have also encouraged interdisciplinary collaborations. For example, faculty members from the Philosophy and Religion Department and from the Center for Population Studies have taken part in the retreats.
The retreat, located on campus at the UM School of Law, will take place over the course of three days from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Faculty may participate for the entire length of the program, or any combination of days and times that fit their individual schedules. At the end of each day, participants will come together to brainstorm and discuss any questions or stumbling blocks they encountered throughout their writing or research.