Student Organizations

The University of Mississippi School of Law has a variety of student organizations, giving you a balance of academic, social and service opportunities and helping develop leadership skills to aid you in your legal profession.

Students Organizations List

  • Air and Space Law Society
    The Society seeks to build relationships among individuals interested in air and space law who are connected to the University of Mississippi School of Law, hereinafter the Law School. The Society provides its members, and the Law School student body at large, exposure to contemporary issues in air and space law and opportunities to meet professionals specializing in air and/or space law through regular meetings, social events, and educational opportunities. Further, the Society shall create opportunities for community among current Juris Doctorate students, LL.M. students, and alumni.
  • UM American Civil Liberties Union
    The primary goal of the University of Mississippi School of Law chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is to raise awareness of civil liberties issues, and to safeguard those civil liberties both on and off campus. This goal shall be accomplished through events organized by UM ACLU and through dialogues with the UM School of Law administration, other campus organizations, and both the regional and national ACLU.
  • American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
    The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (“ACS”) is a progressive legal organizations consisting of lawyers, law students, scholars, judges, policymakers and other concerned individuals. The organization’s mission is to ensure that fundamental principles of human dignity, individual rights and liberties, genuine equality, and access to justice enjoy their rightful, central place in American law.  Every year the organization hosts guests to speak on current issues.
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund
    ALDF is affiliated with the national organization, Animal Legal Defense Fund, and shares its mission to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. ALDF focuses on local issues as well as national legislation and cases to provide UM Law students with a better understanding of Animal Law and the opportunities available in this growing field.
  • Black Law Students Association
  • Business Law Network
    The Business Law Network is an organization housed within the Business Law Institute. The Business Law Network promotes social and academic interaction among the students at The University of Mississippi interested in the various aspects and fields related to business/corporate law. The BLN sponsors social activities, speakers, and programs that encourage academic discussion, and generally provides a forum through which members may pursue their interests in developing a career in business/corporate law.
  • Christian Legal Society
    The Christian Legal Society provides an opportunity for Christian law students to engage in weekly bible study, prayer and community service.  Bible study groups often occur at various students’ homes.
  • Conservation Society
    The Conservation Society is a student organization focused on providing education on hunting, fishing, and conservation efforts in Mississippi. The Conservation Society sponsors social activities, guest speakers, and teaching opportunities that encourage students to broaden their perspective on the world of conservation.
  • Dean’s Leadership Council
    The Dean’s Leadership Council (DLC) is a diverse group of students who serve as student ambassadors for The University of Mississippi School of Law.  DLC members assist with Recruiting, Pre-Law Day, Pre-Admit Day, Orientation, Awards and Scholarship Receptions, and the Mentorship Program. DLC members also have the opportunity to welcome and accompany guests and visitors at The Law School. These students have exhibited strong leadership skills and are recommended by faculty and staff.
  • Delta Theta Phi
    Delta Theta Phi began in 1900 and is a professional law fraternity and a member of the Professional Fraternity Association. It is the only law fraternity with an authoritatively recognized law review, The Adelphia Law Journal.  Delta Theta Phi is a service organization that any law student can join and this particular chapter has a very active alumni base.
  • Disabled Law Student Association
  • Entertainment and Sports Law Society
    The Entertainment and Sports Law Society exists to provide the student body with knowledge and opportunities in the field of sports and entertainment law. ESLS strives to do this through speaking events, discussion panels, and other fun interactive events centered around the entertainment and sports law field. The goal of ESLS is to draw attention to and provide the student body with opportunities in any entertainment field, including, but not limited to, theatre, film, music, and any sports field, whether NCAA, Professional and International.
  • Environmental Law Society
    The mission of the Environmental Law Society is to promote discussion and awareness of environmental issues by hosting speakers and having student discussion with attorneys practicing environmental law, coordinating community projects and promoting social activities. Their goals are to enhance legal education through the environmental law program at the University of Mississippi School of Law and to promote internships/externships and career opportunities in environmental law in both the public and private sectors.
  • Federal Bar Association
  • Federalist Society
    The Federalist Society is an organization that encourages free and vigorous debate on campus regarding issues of law and public policy.  The Federalist Society brings nationally-recognized speakers, hosts faculty panels and sponsors smaller round table events throughout the year.  Membership is open to all law students.
  • The Gorove Society of International Law
    The Gorove Society of International Law (GSIL) is a student-led organization that strives to introduce topics in International Law while exploring career opportunities both inside and outside of the borders of the United States.
  • Interprofessional Education Board
    The Interprofessional Education Board is the first of its kind in the nation. The IPE Board is a collaboration of the School of Pharmacy and the School of Law to plan and execute programs such as the annual Mock Trial demonstration and an annual Social Action event. The Mock Trial involves a pharmaceutical malpractice case in which the law students act as the attorneys and the pharmacy students act as witnesses.
  • Journal of Drone Law and Policy
    The Journal of Drone Law and Policy’s inaugural issue launched in 2020. Drone activities offer unique legal and policy challenges at both the national and the international level.  At the University of Mississippi we recognize the need for a platform for practicing attorneys and interested parties to publish timely articles in this field and we are delighted to offer this opportunity to collect and publish original thoughtful and thought-provoking analyses.
  • Journal of Space Law
    The Journal of Space Law is the world’s oldest journal devoted to space law.  The Journal was published under the leadership of the late Dr. Stephen Gorove in conjunction with the University of Mississippi School of Law from 1973 to 2000. The Center has worked with students at the University of Mississippi School of Law to publish it since 2003.
  • La Alianza, a Latin Law Student Association
    La Alianza, a Latin Law Student Association (LLSA) is an organization dedicated to the acknowledgment and celebration of the Latino experience at the University of Mississippi School of Law. LLSA works to facilitate social activities, speakers, and events that help members pursue their interests and achieve their goals as they develop their legal careers. LLSA strives to create a shared community for those interested in learning about and promoting Latino culture in the greater legal community.
  • Law Association for Women
    The Law Association for Women (“LAW”) is an organization with the purpose of representing the interests and concerns of female law students. LAW does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, religion, disability, national origin or sexual orientation.
  • The Magnolia Defenders
    The Magnolia Defenders is an organization dedicated to the de-criminalization of poverty through public defense. Our goals are accomplished through pro bono clinics, community service, and providing a space to grow and learn in areas of indigent defense. Magnolia Defenders is open to all, and there is no need to be in pursuit of a public defense or public interest career to be involved!
  • Military and Veterans Law Association
    The Military & Veterans Law Association (MVLA) is a student organization for those in the military, veterans, family members, and individuals who may have an interest in the interface between the armed forces and the law. The organization is primarily committed to aiding our veterans, active duty service members, and their families to the adjustment to law school and life after. Additionally, the organization strives to foster a military community and build an alumni network.
  • Mississippi Family Law Society
     The Mississippi Family Law Society’s purpose is to connect students with family law practitioners around the state of Mississippi, to host forums where family law attorneys, scholars, and researchers can expose students to the diverse facets of their field, and to facilitate experiential learning through pro bono activities to be coordinated by the Society.
  • Mississippi Law Journal
    Founded in 1928, the Mississippi Law Journal is a student-run nonprofit corporation whose primary purpose and goal is to publish legal scholarship. Aside from serving as an academic forum for legal scholarship, the Journal has two remaining goals. First, the Journal is designed to be an effective tool for legal practitioners and students of the law. Second, it provides opportunities for Journal members to develop their own editing and writing skills.
  • Mississippi Sports Law Review
  • Moot Court Board
    Instituted over 150 years ago by William Forbes Stearns, the law school’s first professor, the Moot Court Board is the premier appellate advocacy group at The University of Mississippi School of Law. Where the Mississippi Law Journal concentrates on academic publication, the Moot Court Board focuses on winning external advocacy competitions. To become a member of the Moot Court Board, students must compete in either the Copeland, Cook, Taylor & Bush Competition in the spring or the Daniel, Coker, Horton & Bell Competition in the fall. These membership competitions consist of brief writing and oral advocacy. The appellate issues range from discrimination, warrantless searches and seizures, Establishment and Free-Exercise Clause conflicts, and many others. After joining the Moot Court Board, members will compete at numerous National competitions including the Duberstein Bankruptcy Competition, National Moot Court, First Amendment, Gaming Law, International Law, and many others. For questions, please contact the Board at
  • Negotiation Board
    The Negotiation Board focuses on one of the most fundamental of all lawyering skills—advocacy. The Board provides students with competitive experiences in transactional, business, and negotiation-based law. The Board works in conjunction with the Business Law Institute to provide students with a broad base of opportunities to build their talents as future transactional attorneys, including workshops and events with outside speakers. The Negotiation Board hosts an annual in-house membership competition in the fall for 2L and 3L students, and in the spring for 1L students. The Board also participates in various regional and national external negotiation competitions, including business, sports, energy, and policy based competitions. Additionally, the Negotiation Board hosts its own transactional law competition, The Magnolia Cup. This competition involves law schools from across the nation and allows competitors to show off their negotiation and transactional law capabilities.
  • OUTlaw
    OUTLaw is a student organization dedicated to equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community. OUTLaw provides a safe space for members and allies and a forum for discussion on topics relating to and affecting LGBTQ+ individuals. OUTLaw also allows students, faculty, and staff to establish friendships, engage in needed conversations surrounding LGBTQ+ rights, and foster a welcoming environment at the University of Mississippi School of Law.
  • Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International
    The Lamar Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta encourages community service.  Every year the fraternity assists in organizing and overseeing a Halloween and Mardi Gras party for the Boys and Girls Club of Oxford.  The fraternity holds several social events throughout the year.  The organization also invites legal professionals speak to its members. Phi Alpha Delta has an extensive alumni network.  It is open to all students.
  • Phi Delta Phi
    Phi Delta Phi International Legal Honor Society was established in 1869 to promote a higher standard of professional ethics and is among the oldest of legal organizations in North America. Phi Delta Phi serves as an honor and service organization for students at the law school. Phi Delta Phi’s exclusive membership makes it a unique organization and is well known within the community. Phi Delta Phi is represented at the University of Mississippi School of Law through the Mayes Inn.
  • Public Interest Law Foundation
    The University of Mississippi Public Interest Law Foundation (“PILF”) works to educate law students about the diversity of public interest law through meaningful volunteer opportunities and community involvement throughout the year. PILF also holds fundraisers all year long so it can provide stipends to individual students who work in various unpaid public interest internships over the summer.
  • St. Thomas More Catholic Law Society
    St. Thomas More Society is a Catholic faith based organization that focuses on community service. Annual goals are conducting an annual Red Mass (a Mass held for attorney, judges, law faculty, government officials and law students) and becoming outstanding members of the legal community, while exercising Catholic values. This organization is open to all students.
  • Student Bar Association
    The Student Bar Association comprises students who have paid dues and are members of the first, second, or third year law school classes. SBA activities include the back to school party, Halloween party, Barrister’s Ball, end of the year party, and community service outings. The SBA has over 300 dues paying students.
  • Student Chapter of the Young Lawyers Division of the Mississippi Bar
  • Student Health Law Association
    The University of Mississippi Student Health Law Association (“SHLA”) was established in 2006 as a student-run organization of law students with a legal interest in the health care field. The organization’s goal is to work to gain a greater understanding of health law and health policy both at a state and a federal level. Any student who is interested in health law issues, opportunities and programs is encouraged to join. The organization is affiliated as a student group with the American Health Lawyers Association, the nation’s largest, nonpartisan, educational organization devoted to legal issues in the healthcare field.
  • The Advocate Yearbook
    The Law School annual, The Advocate, is published and distributed each spring. Law students with writing, publishing, or photography experience are encouraged to volunteer to serve as staff for The Advocate.
  • Trial Advocacy Board
    The Trial Advocacy Board is a student-led, faculty-directed advocacy program which provides its members with the opportunity to learn the necessary skills for effective trial advocacy through external and internal competitions. The Trial Advocacy Board offers two membership opportunities: first during the spring semester of 1L year and again in the fall semester of 2L year. There is no GPA requirement for membership. The top-scoring competitors are accepted to the board and will then have the opportunity to build upon their advocacy skills and knowledge of the Federal Rules of Evidence by representing the Trial Advocacy Board in national competitions.

Information for Student Organizations

All registered student organizations are eligible for assistance, including funds, documentation, media coverage, promotion and webspace. To register your organization, please make an appointment with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. Use The ForUM to create and update your organization’s information. Non-registered students groups will not be given priority and, in some cases, might not be eligible for the same advantages as registered student groups. Registration allows the law school to:

  1. Promote the diverse activities of its students
  2. Enable student organizations to communicate with members and non-members.

If your organization needs assistance with:

  • Funding: Apply to either the Student Bar Association or the Associated Student Body.
  • Using the law school’s facilities: Contact the Dean’s Suite.
  • Reserving a room: Use the event submission form.
  • Having photographs made of a special event: Contact the Office of Communications.
  • Sending out a general invitation to the law school community or university campus or in any way promote an upcoming event: Contact the Office of Communications.

If you would like to start a law school organization, please contact the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. If your organization is not registered on The ForUM, visit its registration page.

Please pay special attention to the “What You Will Need” section. Organization webmasters will need to read and follow the instructions at the campus organizations website. Following this process, the president of the organization should come by the Student Affairs office.

Student Travel Handbook (pdf)