The University of Mississippi School of Law Diversity Awards

The Diversity Committee will award the inaugural University of Mississippi School of Law Diversity Awards to a student, faculty, and staff member who by his/her/their actions or activities in the current year or in past years demonstrates a distinctive and ongoing commitment to the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural competence at The University of Mississippi School of Law, as enunciated in the UM Law Strategic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan (Diversity Plan).

The Award shall consist of a personalized plaque, a $500 monetary award, and entry of the winner’s or winners’ name(s) in the Law School’s kiosks located at various places in the law building.

The annual Award will be granted in each of these separate categories: Student, Faculty, and Staff.

Eligibility and Criteria for each award can be found at the links below:

To nominate an individual for one or more of these awards, please fill out the nomination form below. A separate nomination form must be filled out for each nominee. For questions, please contact Joshua Quinn Tucker, Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, via email at

Nomination Deadline: April 17, 2025

    1. Nominee’s Information


    2. Nominator's Information

    3. State the number(s) of the criterion on which you base this nomination (i.e. Staff Number 1, Faculty Number 5, etc.)

    4. State the year or past years in which the nominee performed the service on which you are basing this information

    5. Attach a nomination statement with a maximum of 1,000 words in a Word document (or similar software) with 1-inch margins on all sides and 12-point font in double-spaced type. *