Yale Law Professor and Author Set for Tuesday Lectures
James Forman Jr. to provide a critical look at the criminal justice system [caption id="attachment_21596" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by: Harold Shapiro[/caption] The University of Mississippi will host James Forman Jr.,…Continued

Student Bar Association to Host Lecture Series featuring Ed Stanton
[caption id="attachment_21561" align="alignleft" width="250"] © 2015 Barrett Photography: Michael & Dianne ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDwww.barrettphotography.com[/caption] Ed Stanton, former United States Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee will speak at the…Continued

National Sea Grant Law Center Receives Funding from NOAA
The National Sea Grant Law Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law has received funding of $125,000 through a national aquaculture competition to conduct research and outreach on legal…Continued

Law School to Host Aviation Expert
The University of Mississippi School of Law will host a lecture by Paul Fitzgerald Wednesday, November 1 at 12:45 p.m. Fitzgerald is a Professor at the McGill Institute of Air…Continued

UM Law Students Win Bicentennial Moot Court Competition
The University of Mississippi School of Law recently participated in the Bicentennial Celebration of Mississippi’s judiciary and legal profession Wednesday, September 27, in Jackson, Mississippi. As part of the event,…Continued

MacArthur Justice Center Initiated Demands that Led to Mississippi Youth Court Judge Resigning
Wednesday, in the Jackson suburb of Pearl, Mississippi, Youth Court Judge John Shirley resigned under pressure, and the Pearl Municipal Youth Court was permanently closed in the wake of demands…Continued

Law School Announces Program for Veterans
The University of Mississippi School of Law recently announced that beginning this fall, veterans eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill Yellow Ribbon Program will have their tuition paid in…Continued

Law Firm Challenge Created to Increase Alumni Giving
University of Mississippi School of Law alumni have a new way to feed their competitive side while giving back to their alma mater with the school’s newest initiative. The UM…Continued

Law School to Host Visit with Judge Robert Wilkins
The Honorable Robert L. Wilkins will visit Oxford and will speak at the University of Mississippi School of Law on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 12:45 p.m. in Weems Auditorium. Judge…Continued

Corsale’s Major Gift Establishes Scholarship for UM Law Students
[caption id="attachment_21334" align="alignleft" width="418"] Suzette Matthews (right), development officer for the Ole Miss Law School, visits with Barbara Corsale at her home in Saratoga Springs, New York.[/caption] Ask Joe Corsale…Continued

UM Law School Participates in Bicentennial Event
Activities include moot court competition, reception with Chief Justice of the United States John G. Roberts, Jr. OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi School of Law is participating in…Continued

Space Law Team Prepares for World Championship
Moot Court group heads to Australia to compete for university's second international title OXFORD, Miss. – Since winning the North American championship in April, the moot court team at the…Continued