Add New Event
Booking an Event at the Robert C. Khayat Law Center
In order to reserve space for a meeting, event or activity within the Law Center:
- Check the Events Calendar to ensure that your request does not conflict with another event.
- On the Law School website, use the Event Submission form, located under the “News & Events” tab in order to publicize your event and add it to the calendar.
- If the location and time period is available, you will receive a confirmation email and your event will be added to the calendar.
Rooms and spaces in the law school are often booked up months in advance for speaking engagements and academic events.
Please submit requests at least two weeks prior to an event in order to secure your space. In fairness to all students and to allow for maximum participation in law school activities, students are encouraged to consider alternate dates or room space in the event of a conflict.
To check on rooms that are already booked, Please click the Activity Calendar.