3L Channing Curtis Publishes Journal Article with NC Central Law Review
Third-year law student Channing Curtis’s article “State Court Structure and Precedent,” will be published in Volume 45 of the North Carolina Central Law Review. Curtis wrote the article as part of…Continued

3L Clark Thomas Presents to White House’s National Space Council on Behalf of NSS
On Nov. 14, University of Mississippi School of Law third-year student Clark Thomas presented to the White House’s National Space Council on behalf of the National Space Society. Thomas' three-minute…Continued

UM Law Ranks #13 for Access and Equity, According to Study
A recent study published in Rutgers Law Review named the University of Mississippi School of Law No. 13 (tied with Wayne State) in access and equity among public law schools.…Continued

MacArthur Center Director Cliff Johnson Files Complaint with Judicial Commission
The Mississippi head of a legal advocacy organization has filed a formal complaint with the state judicial commission against a municipal judge whose no-knock search warrants have been challenged in…Continued

2020 Graduate Luke Phillips Cited by Justice Gorsuch in Opinion
Luke Phillips, a 2020 graduate of the University of Mississippi School of Law from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, wrote a journal article that was cited by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil…Continued

2L Joe Curry Awarded Bradley’s 2023 Diversity Scholarship
Bradley law firm awarded its 2023 2L Diversity Scholarship to University of Mississippi School of Law student Joe Curry. According to the firm’s press release, Bradley’s diversity scholarship is awarded…Continued

FEC Chairman Allen Dickerson Teaches Law and Politics Course with Prof. Antonia Eliason
OXFORD, Miss. — Students at the University of Mississippi School of Law are getting a unique opportunity this Fall to learn about the areas of election law and politics directly…Continued

Professor Emeritus Thomas Clancy Publishes 4th Ed. of Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence
Thomas Clancy, University of Mississippi School of Law Professor Emeritus, recently published the 4th Edition of the book Cyber Crime and Digital Evidence: Materials and Cases with Carolina Academic Press. According…Continued

2022 LL.M. Graduate Francesca Morschbach Wins IATA Writing Award
Francesca Morschbach, who graduated with an LL.M. from the University of Mississippi School of Law in August, is this year’s winner of the Constance O’Keefe Aviation Law Writing Award, presented…Continued

Negotiation Board Team Advances to National ABA Competition
The University of Mississippi School of Law Negotiation Board team of Merrit Baria and Mason Borneman were named co-champions and national finalists in the 2022 Regional American Bar Association Competition,…Continued

Adjunct Instructor Jeremy Grunert Publishes Book on Space Law
Jeremy Grunert, an LL.M. graduate from the University of Mississippi School Law, and current adjunct professor, just published his first book titled The United States Space Force and the Future…Continued

Mississippi Center for Justice & MacArthur Justice Center Secure Court Oversight to Overhaul Jackson Police Roadblock Policy
On Oct. 6, the Mississippi Center for Justice (MCJ) and the MacArthur Justice Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law announced a settlement with the City of Jackson…Continued